A great Selection of Chinese Herbal Medicine & Chinese Liniments such as Dit Da Jow, Zheng Gu Shui, Tiger Liniment and Iron Fist Liniment on Total Martial art Supplies
Featured products
* Chinese Muscle Oil- 2 oz.-Liniment
Dit Da Jow- Large Bottle 8oz.
* Iron Fist Liniment - 2 oz
* Iron Palm Liniment - 2 oz
* Tiger Balm Ultra Strength
* White Tiger Liniment
* 2 oz.
Case of Triple Strength Dit Da Jow 12 Bottles
Dit Da Jow Double & Triple Strength Liniment
Dit Da Jow Triple Strength Liniment
Zheng Gu Shui Liniment
* Relief of minor pains, muscular aches and arthritis